No Party.

No Politics.

Just Solving Problems.

Jason Holic

for U.S. House of Representatives


Contribute $5, $10, or up to $100*

*Corporate cash not accepted


Respectful speech and compassionate action


Volunteer-driven with no corporate cash


Ready for the future while honoring the past

A New Kind of Representative

Let's make productive discourse the order of the day. Let's work on collaborative solutions to pressing issues and build a government that works for everyone.

I'm not a lifelong politician. I have no party affiliation. However, the things I do not have can be my greatest strengths.

I am without political baggage or outside influence. I'll be free to skip the party agenda and stick to the people's agenda.

Keeping corporate cash out of the campaign leaves me at a distinct disadvantage, and I'm fully aware the odds are against me. The chances of victory are slim, but they exist. Winning this race will require a different approach.

So I'm focusing on people instead of money - the way public service should be. I have voluntarily imposed individual campaign contribution limits, and I don't accept cash from companies. Instead, my campaign focuses on listening to the needs of Floridians. Because how you campaign is how you'll serve.

When it's safe and responsible, I will embark on a Lawton Chiles-inspired walk across the district so I can hear straight from residents what their needs are.

Oh, and I will also continue holding down a full-time job during the campaign.

This campaign is something different. I hope you find it a refreshing take on elected office. And I'd be honored to have your support, even if you don't vote for me.

Continue the Conversation

Be sure to check this site and campaign social media pages for all the updates you might want. In the meantime, I'd love to hear how Washington can work better for you. And if you want to join the campaign, consider volunteering or contributing.